Welcome to Corona Summit Surgical Center. Please read the following important information regarding your surgical procedure.
- A nurse will call you a day before your procedure and ask you questions about your medications, dosages, medical and surgical history. Based on your medications and history; diagnostic lab, tests, X-rays and EKGs may need to be completed prior to your surgery. These are not routinely performed on all surgical patients. Also, you will be required to be at the facility an hour prior to your procedure appointment.
- You will be going home the same day of procedure. It is required that someone of the age of 18 or older drives you home. If you are using public transportation to return home, you must have a responsible adult to escort you home. It is strongly suggested that you do not drive for the remainder of the day, and that someone stays with you until the following day.
- Call your surgeon’s office if you develop a cold, sore throat, fever or any other illness that occurs within 48 hours of your surgery.
Fasting Before Surgery
- FOOD/WATER: Fasting instructions will be provided by a nurse from Surgery Center.
- Your prescription medications will be reviewed during the interview and those indicated may be taken with sip of water on the day
of surgery. - No oral hypoglycemic medication or insulin on the day of surgery.
- PLEASE No gum, breath mints or chewing tobacco after midnight.
- PLEASE do take a shower the morning of surgery.
- Brush your teeth, rinse and spit without swallowing the water.
What to Bring
- Bring your insurance card and picture ID.
- Please do NOT apply makeup, deodorant, creams or lotions.
- Bring a case for contacts, glasses and dentures.
- Bring Crutches if having knee or foot surgery- check for proper fit and receive Instructions for use.
- Bring anything the doctor recommended
- Bring any DME already issued or previously in use as per instructed by center personnel
- Leave ALL jewelry and valuables at home. The Center is not responsible for valuables.
- Wear loose fitting comfortable clothes.
Frequently Asked Questions About Corona Summit
What can I eat or drink before my procedure?
No eating or drinking after midnight unless otherwise directed.
Can I drive myself?
No, you will need someone over 18 to drive you home.
Do I need to wear a mask?
Yes, all medical facilities require you to wear a mask.
Who can I call with a question?
Our team is here to help! Give us a call at (951) 734-3597
How do I get to your office?
Our address is 2370 Anselmo Drive, Corona, CA 92879.
1. Exit McKinley and Go South
2. Turn Left at Sampson
3. Turn Left at KPC
4. KPC Becomes Anslemo Drive
5. Turn Into the First Drive on Your Right Side
What insurance do you take?
*Subject to change*